3D reconstruction of the fossil skull of the sub-adult early Homo from the Dmanisi site in Georgia. The green, orange and red colors represent the preserved teeth (imaged respectively with the synchrotron at 5um, with the synchrotron at 47um, and with an industrial scanner at 250um). The blue teeth are missing ones added by mirroring their symmetrical counterparts. The purple first lower incisors have not been recovered, and have been extrapolated form the second lower incisor. Then the right upper canine is showed at 5um resolution to illustrate the visibility of growth lines on its surface, as well as on virtual slices in its enamel and dentine. A second level of zoom is done to reach the 0.7umm resolution that shows the daily lines increments in enamel. All the teeth are then virtually extracted from the skull and disposed in order to show the final dentition state at the death of this individual. Based on the dental increments observed in all the teeth, a virtual growth series has been computed every 6 months from the birth to the death of this sub-adult individual that occurred at 11.42 years.
Credit: ESRF/Paul Tafforeau, Vincent Beyrand
Credit: ESRF/Paul Tafforeau, Vincent Beyrand
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mention of the credit Credit: ESRF/Paul Tafforeau, Vincent Beyrand
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