Experimental setup and schematic diagram of smiley sticker distribution (IMAGE)
Experimental setup and schematic diagram (right side) of smiley sticker distribution. The grey part of each box shows the number of stickers the allocating child awards themselves. The white part shows the number the receiving child is given. In each case, a choice had to be made between a fair 1:1 distribution (each child receives one sticker) or an unfair distribution. The unfair distributions yielded unequal outcomes that were either disadvantageous (left quadrants) or advantageous (right quadrants) for the child making the decision. The distributions were also either non-costly (top quadrants; always one sticker for the child making the decision), or costly (bottom quadrants; the unfair alternative resulted in one more sticker than the fair alternative). (Fig.: HHU/Tobias Kalenscher)
HHU/Tobias Kalenscher
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