Electronic structure calculations and ARPES measurements. (IMAGE)
(a) The band projections contributed by different atoms of EuTi3Bi4. (b–c)The surface states from bulk part (b) and the corresponding Fermi surface (c) on the two-dimensional projected surface of EuTi3Bi4 with SOC (U = 6 eV). (d)–(f) Experimental Fermi surface are taken with photon energy (hν) = 100 eV of (d) EuTi3Bi4, (e) GdTi3Bi4, and (f) SmTi3Bi4. (g–i) Measured band dispersion along Γ-Κ-Μ direction of (g) EuTi3Bi4, (h) GdTi3Bi4, (i) SmTi3Bi4. Calculated bulk bands are appended in (g).
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