Figure 3 (IMAGE)
DFT calculations of FeCoNiCr oxyhydroxide. Calculated 1D (a) and 2D (b) surface Pourbaix diagrams for the FeCoNiCr oxyhydroxide ( ) surface as a function of potential (T = 298.15 K). (c) Optimized adsorption structures for HO* and O* (top view) on FeCoNiCr and FeCoNi pre-covered by hydroxyls. (d) Microkinetic OER volcano at the current density of 1 mA cm−2, with the points indicating the OER potentials of Fe, Co, Ni, Cr sites on FeCoNiCr and Fe, Co, Ni sites on FeCoNi. The Bader charges on the active Ni (e) and Co (f) sites on FeCoNiCr during OER.
Hao Li et al.
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