Fig. 3. Technology roadmap for this work’s “best practice” in paleoclimate interpretation. (IMAGE)
This methodology involved several steps. Step 1: Carefully select representative loess sections and establish their chronology through dating methods. Collect loess powder samples and fossil snail samples from these sections with a specific resolution. Determine the magnetic susceptibility (MS) and mean grain size (MGS) of the loess powder samples to establish a comprehensive framework for local climate change patterns over time. Conduct taxonomic identification and count on the snail samples to establish the snail population-age profile. Step 2: Randomly select 138 snail shells from the designated period and perform SEM analysis and/or X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis on them to assess whether diagenetic alteration has occurred. The well-preserved shells would then be checked for the physical marker. Step 3: SIMS δ18O determination will be conducted on the shell with the physical marker. The obtained SIMS δ18O profile will be applied for the rainstorm fingerprint analysis to investigate the frequency of extreme rainstorms with various magnitudes in the given period.
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