Fig. 1. Local setting and the land snail shells. (IMAGE)
(a) Map showing Eastern Asia's prevailing monsoon climates and the sampling site location. The topographic map comes from, and the red-filled circle and the white-filled circle represent the sampling site and Beijing, respectively. Abbreviations: ISM, Indian Summer Monsoon; EASM, East Asia Summer Monsoon; EAWM, East Asia Winter Monsoon. (b) The multi-year average monthly T, P, and δ18Oprecipitation in Zhengzhou (IAEA, The grey bar represents the growing seasons for Cathaica fasciola at Zhengzhou. The monthly mean T > 10oC from April to October. (c) Land snail Cathaica fasciola and the schematic flow chart for the cutting and sampling of snail shells. The red lines represent the sampling path of the subsamples for GSMS determination; The yellow arrows represent the direction of sampling, which is opposite to the growth direction. The enlarged section shows the sampling spots of SIMS analysis.
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