The scaled dimensionless jet transport parameters q ̂/T^3 as a function of medium temperature T from a global χ^2 fit of R_AA(p_T) and v_2(p_T) at RHIC. And the R_AA(p_T) and v_2(p_T) with constant or linearly-decreasing T dependence of q ̂/T^3 (IMAGE)
Under the assumption that the scaled jet transport coefficient q/T3 depends on the medium temperature in linear or Gaussian form, the single hadron nuclear modification factor RAA(pT) and elliptic flow parameter v2(pT) were calculated and compared with experimental data to constrain the q/T3 temperature dependence forms. The numerical results indicate that RAA(pT) and v2(pT) are both more sensitive to the value of q/T3 near the critical temperature (Tc) than near the initial highest temperature (T0). Moreover, the single hadron suppression is a consequence of total jet energy loss, while elliptic flow parameter favors more energy loss near Tc
Han-Zhong Zhang
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