Fig. 5. Similar sources of impactors of inner Solar System bodies, but different crater populations and impactors before and after ~3.8 Ga. This figure is adapted from Strom et al. [12]. (A) SFD of crater populations formed on terrains older and younger t (IMAGE)
Fig. 5. Similar sources of impactors of inner Solar System bodies, but different crater populations and impactors before and after ~3.8 Ga. This figure is adapted from Strom et al. [12]. (A) SFD of crater populations formed on terrains older and younger than 3.8 Ga on the Moon and terrestrial planets. (B) SFD of impactors that formed the crater population in the lunar highland (red circles) and that in the Mars northern plains (green open circle). The older impactor population is comparable with the current main belt asteroids, and the younger impactor population is comparable with the near-Earth asteroids (NEAs). Subaru, SDSS, Spacewatch, IRAS, and LINEAR are telescopes for asteroid observations [12,13].
Space: Science & Technology
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