Hypothesized uptake mechanisms of MnPs through human body (IMAGE)
(A) Hypothesized uptake mechanisms of MnPs through human biological barriers, including via (B) the olfactory bulb, (C) the lung-air barrier, and (D) the gastrointestinal tract, indicating also the systems and organs directly affected by MnPs and the associated MnP impacts and suspected adverse health out comes including NCDs. The suspected particle-size fractionation caused by differences in the uptake mechanisms (A–D) is highlighted in (E), with larger particles being ingested (up to 130 mm) rather than inhaled (less than 2.5 mm) and only the smallest (nanoscale) particles being able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier. MnP internalized by routes (C) and (D) reach the wider circulatory system and from there can reach all organs.
University of Birmingham
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