NoctisVolcano-NewsRelease-Pic5-FINAL-1400px (IMAGE)
Figure 5: Noctis volcano in 3D.
Anaglyph image showing portions of the Noctis volcano’s 250 km (155 mile) diameter inner zone of high elevation remains, and 450 km (280 mile) diameter outer zone of other remains associated with the volcano. In addition to the volcano’s summit, caldera remnant, and inner and outer zones, this 3D map shows the “relict glacier” discovered in 2023 and Noctis Landing, a candidate landing site for future robotic and human exploration.
Background image: Mars Express anaglyph (3D) mosaic © ESA/DLR/FU Berlin CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO. Geologic interpretation and annotations by Pascal Lee and Sourabh Shubham 2024
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