Subspecies of cuckoo mimic the chicks of their host in appearance (IMAGE)
Subspecies of the little bronze-cuckoo and the shining bronze-cuckoo track the appearance of their host’s chicks across their geographic range.
Image shows:
A. Little bronze-cuckoo and mangrove gerygone host.
B. Little bronze-cuckoo and large-billed gerygone host.
C. Little bronze-cuckoo and fairy gerygone host.
D. Shining bronze-cuckoo and yellow-rumped thornbill host.
E. Shining bronze-cuckoo and fan-tailed gerygone host.
F. Shining bronze-cuckoo and grey warbler host.
Naomi Langmore, Hee-Jin Noh, Rose Thorogood, Alfredo Attisano
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