Seated, from left to right, are Bruce Moyer, ORNL corporate fellow; Hood Whitson, Element3 CEO (IMAGE)
Seated, from left to right, are Bruce Moyer, ORNL corporate fellow; Hood Whitson, Element3 CEO; Cynthia Jenks, ORNL associate laboratory director for the Physical Sciences Directorate; and Wes Kowalczuk, an engineer with Element3. Standing, from left to right, are Parans Paranthaman, ORNL corporate fellow; Jayanthi Kumar, ORNL staff scientist; Reis Alsberry, ORNL commercialization manager; Jennifer Caldwell, ORNL director of technology transfer; Eugene Cochran, technology commercialization group leader; Syed Islam, ORNL staff scientist; and Mike Paulus, director of partnerships.
Carlos Jones/ORNL, U.S. Dept. of Energy
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