Network analysis (IMAGE)
Network analysis of the haplotype-IBD sharing between the Avar period individuals analyzed in the study: a) Visualization of the network of IBD connections (edges) between the ancient individuals (nodes) colored according to their site with squares representing males and circles females. The males’ Y-haplogroups are visualized with colored borders around the individuals. The strength of the IBD connection is summarized by the maximum IBD length in centi-Morgan found for each pair of individuals. The distribution of these lengths from the lowest (>12 cM cutoff) to the highest (>280 cM for first degree relatives) is reflected in the width and the color scale of each edge. b) the only adults network considering only males (top) and only females (bottom). c) Network statistics calculated on the adults-only network. On the left the degree centrality, k (defined as the number of links held by the node) is plotted vs the cumulative density function of the degrees distribution. On the right, the total k is plotted vs the ratio of k calculated between-site edges and total k (kB/k).
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