Architecture of the proposed method (IMAGE)
Initially, the nodes are deployed in a random manner within specific ranges; they are then initialized to collect data about the neighboring nodes that are assigned to the LEACH protocol to minimize energy consumption. The operations of LEACH are divided into several rounds, and each round consists of two phases: the setup phase, in which clustering is performed, and steady-state phase, in which the data are sent to the base station from all the sensors. Initially, when the clusters are formed in the setup phase, all the sensor nodes decide to become a cluster head (CH) or not in the current round. That is, N sensor nodes are assumed to be distributed randomly throughout the environment and routinely monitored. The CH receives data from each cluster from the CM. Sensing systems are typically iterative, and have the same energy and capacity to perceive the environment through data calculation and transmission. An asymmetric radio relation is always found among the nodes. This refers to the requirement that nodes have uniform energy to complete information transmission in every manner.
Beijing Zhongke Journal Publising Co. Ltd.
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