Fig. 2 (a) Schematic of the experimental setup for measuring thermal-electromagnetic cloak. Orange and green slits represent copper and expanded polystyrene, respectively. Two blue thin thermal pads on the surface of a gray foam board together can simulate an on-chip environment. The black area is the concealed region for both TM-polarized electromagnetic waves and heat fluxes. Measured temperature distributions show the black protruding square on the chip will not and will influence the incident plane isothermal with cloak (b) and without cloak (c), respectively. 3D Simulated temperature distributions with cloak (d) and without cloak (e) are well matched with the measurement results in (b) and (c), respectively. 3D Simulated normalized z-component magnetic fields when a radiating component (i.e., a loop antenna) is in front of the black protruding square on the chip with cloak (f) and without cloak (g), respectively. (h) Simulated and measured normalized amplitude of magnetic fields along the marked dotted lines in (f) and (g).
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