fig 1 (IMAGE)
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of an on-chip system consisting of multiple functional modules (a) without the cloak and (b) with the designed thermal-electromagnetic cloak, respectively. (a) A central processing unit central processing unit (i.e., thermal sensitive electrical element in the center region) will be affected by the gathered waste heat (indicated by red arrows) from surrounding resistive elements (blue blocks) on chip, which may make the temperature around the processing unit higher than its rated temperature or generate thermal stress/deformation due to the gradient temperature field, and then affect its working efficiency and aggravate the aging. At the same time, the central processing unit will disturb the EM signals (represented by yellow curves) from surrounding radiating components (e.g., the cyan antenna). (b) The designed thermal-electromagnetic cloak (colored orange) is set around the central processing unit in the same on-chip system. In this case, the electromagnetic signals and waste heats can be simultaneously guided around the thermal sensitive central processing unit. As a result, the central processing unit will not be affected by waste heats (or the gradient temperature field from surrounding resistive elements) and not influence radiation pattern of electromagnetic signals from surrounding radiating components. Meanwhile, the waste heat can be effectively collected by the latter cooling/recovery units.
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