Comparison between the convergence rate of the Indian and Eurasian plates with proposed slab pull evolution. (IMAGE)
Proposed evolution of slab pull from the detached lithospheric fragments. At the beginning, both fast-velocity anomalies 1 and 2 contributed to the slab pull, as F1+F2 (hexagon); then F1 was detached, and its slab pull (diamond) diminished; and then the slow detachment of F2 occurred, and so did the removal of the corresponding slab pull (squares); finally, F3 subducted into the upper mantle and exerted slab pull (triangle). Dashed lines show the potential evolution path of slab pull. Blue horizontal bars on slab pull show a 5 Myrs error estimated from the emplacement age of ultrapotassic volcanics. The convergence rate (Pink line) between the Indian and Eurasian plates (van Hingsbergen et al., 2011) decreased significantly during the detaching of F2. Picture credit: Xiaofeng Liang and Yang Chu.
Picture credit: Xiaofeng Liang and Yang Chu.
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