Artificial intelligence brings a virtual fly to life (VIDEO)
This video shows the fly model executing a command to fly straight at fixed altitude at the speed of 30 cm/s, followed by the fly model reproducing flight maneuvers of a real fly: evasion from a perceived threat and spontaneous turning. The cyan dots visualize the real fly’s trajectory the model is required to track. The flying video is 160 times slower than real time. Next, the fly model is shown executing commands to walk at the speed of 2 cm/s while turning left and right, followed by the fly model imitating a walking trajectory of the real fruit fly, which includes walking at different speeds, turning, and briefly stopping. The action of the leg adhesion actuators, which emulate sticky feet of the real fly, can be seen at the leg tips (orange: adhesion actuator active, gray: inactive). The walking video is 16 times slower than real time.
Vaxenburg et al.
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