Remains of a man buried in a rich grave in Téviec, France (IMAGE)
Remains of a man buried in a rich grave. In the paper, we write the following about K6: "Interestingly, and contrary to expectation, individuals buried together did not have close biological kin relationships. An exception to this pattern is the individual buried at the bottom of grave K in Téviec (K6(16)-tev003), who had closer biological kin links to at least two (sampled of a total of five) of the individuals buried above him, while these were not closely related with each other. This finding corroborates the importance and singularity that K6(16)-tev003 could have had based on the arrangement of the grave and associated archaeological material. Moreover, osteological analysis revealed two microlithic armatures, likely from a projectile weapon, punched in the sixth and eleventh dorsal vertebrae, the first of which may have resulted in immediate death by severing the aorta (1). His mandible also bore an old, well-healed fracture, which has been suggested as evidence of a lifestyle marked by a certain violence (26)."
Vivement Lundi! / France Télévisions and the caption: Image from "Téviec, Meurtre au Mésolithique" directed by Hubert Béasse.
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