PolyU researchers introduce biomineralisation as a sustainable strategy against microbial corrosion in marine concrete (IMAGE)
qPCR analysis of evolution for concentrations (copy g–1) of (a) 16S rRNA gene and (b) dsrB in concrete biofilms. Panel (c) is the α diversity of biofilm communities at the species level (Shannon index). Panel (d) shows differences in the microbial communities as visualized with PCoA. The permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) was used to test differences in the microbial communities between the groups. P < 0.05 was regarded as the criterion for statistical significance in any differences. Ovals indicate the 95% confidence intervals for each sample type. Panel (e) shows the proportion of bacteria from concrete biofilms classified at the family level as being in the top 20.
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