Quantum process tomography of spatial mode quantum gates. (IMAGE)
a-c Tomography matrices for reconstructing the process matrices of the gates. Each element of the tomography matrix corresponds to the projective measurement outcome for a specific combination of input and projection basis. d-f Reconstructed process matrices χ for the three-dimensional X1 gate, three-dimensional H1 gate and CNOT gate. The X and H gates process matrices are shown in the Gell–Mann matrix basis, while the CNOT gate process matrix is shown on the basis of two-qubit generalized Pauli operators. Theoretical process matrices and experimentally reconstructed process matrices are represented by transparent and colored bars, respectively. The real and imaginary parts are plotted separately, and bars with negative values are flipped up for better visibility and have greyish-white edges. The process fidelities for these three gates are 98.4(2)%, 99.4(3)%, and 99.6(2)%. g Mean squared error (MSE) of simulated and experimental tomography compared to theoretical tomography matrix.
by Qianke Wang, Jun Liu, Dawei Lyu, Jian Wang
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