Figure 2 (IMAGE)
Figure 2. The vertical axis for both plots – sulphur abundance relative to Hydrogen.
Left plot – the sulphur anomaly (blue points are for PNe, green points for HII regions and blue compact galaxies) where Sulfur is shown relative to Oxygen. There is a large scatter for PN measure compared to the 1:1 lock-step behaviour expected and seen for other alpha elements in PNe.
Right plot: The green points are as before but this time the orange points are for the PNe from our VLT galactic centre PN sample and with sulphur plotted against Argon rather than Oxygen. There is now lock-step behaviour seen for sulphur for the first time and a parallel track and much tighter relationship where the anomaly is almost extinguished.
Figure adapted from The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 961:L47(9pp),2024 February 1.
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