Subnational level climate–agriculture–gender inequality hotspot map for livestock in Mali (IMAGE)
Subnational level climate–agriculture–gender inequality hotspot map for livestock in Mali
Legend: Darker orange-colored countries have relatively high climate–agriculture–gender inequality hotspot index values; therefore face higher risk. Lighter orange-colored countries have relatively low climate–agriculture–gender inequality hotspot index values; therefore face lower risk. Names of the regions are M01: Kayes; M02: Koulikoro; M03: Sikasso; M04: Segou; M05: Mopti; M06: Tombouctou; M07: Gao and Kidal; M08: Bamako.
Copyright: © 2023 Lecoutere, Mishra, Singaraju, Koo, Azzarri, Chanana, Nico and Puskur
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