Clearly visible and spectacular results of some greening experiments. (IMAGE)
Clearly visible and spectacular results of some greening experiments. The pictures show that compared to leaf pieces greened in the control (Hoagland) solution ("H", left picture) and to leaf pieces exposed only to osmotic stress (the latter being leaves floated in a high osmolarity, non-ionic polyethylene glycol solution dissolved in Hoagland solution, "P", middle picture), etiolated leaves exposed to salt stress remained yellow and failed to green (right picture). The salt stress used in this case was 600 mM NaNO3 dissolved in Hoagland solution. In the Hoagland solution the leaves are well hydrated and expanded, in the other two solutions the rolling of the leaves indicates the osmotic stress present (and in the saline solution not only osmotic stress is present, but the ions of the solution interfere with plant metabolism).
Katalin Solymosi
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