Influence of the ice-age multi-centennial climate variability on air temperatures in the North Atlantic region (in degrees Celsius). The temperature differences between the warm and cold phases of climate variability are shown. (IMAGE)
Influence of the ice-age multi-centennial climate variability on air temperatures in the North Atlantic region (in degrees Celsius). The temperature differences between the warm and cold phases of climate variability are shown. Also shown is the extent of Arctic sea ice during the warm phase as a blue contour line for February and a green contour line for August. The circles indicate the presence of proxy data from ice cores and ocean sediment cores that demonstrate the multi-centennial variation during the ice-age maximum. The coastlines shown represent conditions during the last ice age, about 20,000 years ago. Graph: MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, M. Prange et al.
MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, M. Prange et al.
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