Figure 4. Fiber optic sensing of viral N gene DNA. (IMAGE)
Figure 4. Fiber optic sensing of viral N gene DNA. (A) Graphical view of Cas12a- mediated cutting of ssDNA immobilized on fiber surface. (B) A typical sensorgram showing Cas12a-mediated DNA sensing and following wash-off by Proteinase K (PK). DNA concentration: 60 pg/µL. (C) Spectra shift indicating SPR signals due to Cas12a-mediated release of AuNP. Δλ D reflected the wavelength change between PBS-L1 and PBS-L2 stages. (D) Examples of SPR wavelength changes at different DNA concentration. (E) Comparison of SPR signals acquired with sensors after different storage periods. Data were shown as mean +/- s.e.m. (n=3).
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