Fig. 2: Dynamics of L1 source element activity. (IMAGE)
a, Schematic diagram of three classes of L1 retrotransposition: solo-L1, partnered transduction and orphan transduction. b, The landscape of transduction events with the features of 34 rc-L1s. TD, transduction; AFR, Africans; EUR, Europeans; EAS, East Asians; SAS, South Asians; AMR, Americans. c, Relationship between the population allele frequency of rc-L1s and their normalized retrotransposition activity. Green dots indicate private sources found in just one individual; red dots indicate prevalent-active sources; black and grey dots indicate common sources contributing any and no transduction events in our study, respectively. Blue line represents the regression line of active, but not prevalent, sources and shaded areas indicate its 95% confidence interval. TPAM, number of transductions per L1 allele per 1 million endogenous point mutations of molecular time. d, Proportion of L1 subfamily and prevalence of truncating mutations of rc-L1 sources across their PAF. Groups with PAF < 25, 25 < PAF < 75 and PAF > 75 have ten, 34 and 90 L1 sources, respectively.
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