Microstructure of the AM NTD-Al alloy (IMAGE)
Microstructure of the AM NTD-Al alloy. (A) μ-CT analysis showing the spatial and size distribution of printing defects; the largest defect was 73 µm, only about 1/3 of the size of defects in AM AlSi10Mg alloy without TiB2 decoration. (B) Grain morphology of the printed sample. (C) A network of solidification cellular structure with an average diameter of ~ 500 nm. (D) Continuous 3D Si cellular structure revealed by BSE/FIB tomography. (E) Cellular structure consisting of nanosized Si phases revealed by TEM.
Dan, C. et al, source: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41563-023-01651-9
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