Killer whales (orcas) in the Pacific Northwest may be endangered in part because the Chinook salmon they prefer to eat year-round are also endangered.
Article Title: Endangered predators and endangered prey: Seasonal diet of Southern Resident killer whales
Funding: Funding was provided by the Northwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,; MBH received the following awards from United States Navy Pacific Fleet: N00070-14-MP-4C762, N00070-15-MP-4C363, N00070-16-MP-4C872, The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. NOAA provided funding to Biowaves Inc. for part of this study and JKJ was subcontracted by them to conduct some data collection. Biowaves Inc. provided no funding for the study nor did it play a role in the study design, data analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript and only provided financial support in the form of authors' salaries and/or research materials.
Competing Interests: Our affiliation with Biowaves, Inc. does not alter our adherence to PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.
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