News Release

Samara Polytech scientists created 'smart' farming

AI system is designed to ease farmers' labor and watch over the crop

Business Announcement

Samara Polytech (Samara State Technical University)

Crop Fields

image: Crop fields view more 

Credit: @SamaraPolytech

A prototype of AI-based smart cyber-physical system for precise farming has a digital knowledge base on crop cultivation which contains the formal specifications of sorts of crops, phases of plants growth, technologies, machines, etc. Multi-agent technology is applied for designing digital twin of plant and providing the decision making support, including adaptive resource allocation, scheduling, optimization and controlling. The system helps farmers to select sorts and technology, develop crop rotation plan, monitor fields and adapt resource plans for precise machines in case of unpredictable events.

The recent results have been published in Cybernetics and Physics (

“AI helps to monitor the plants growth via satellites and drones detecting possible problems and adaptively allocates and schedules resources available including equipment and workers, fertilizers and pesticides, visualizing plans and key indicators in real time” explains project leader, doctor of Technical Science, Head of Electronic Systems Department, Petr Skobelev. “Our plan for this year is to provide accuracy of 2.5 sm for precise machines to keep plants secure in wheat production”. This projects is supported by Smart Solutions, one of most innovative Russian high-tech AI company, spin-off of University.

Originally the system was designed for wheat growing, but presently the scientists are planning to modify the system and expand the range of agricultural species it can deal with. National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST), one of the largest Universities in South-East Asia, have expressed their interest in the product. Meanwhile the possibility of using “Smart Farming” in Thailand, Philippines and India is being discussed.

For reference:

Samara State Technical University (SSTU, Samara Polytech) as a flagship university offers a wide range of education and research programs and aims at development and transfer of high-quality and practically-oriented knowledge. The university has an established reputation in technical developments and focuses on quality education, scientific and pragmatic research, combining theory and practice in the leading regional businesses and enterprises. Education is conducted in 30 integrated groups of specialties and areas of training (about 200 degree programs including bachelor, master programs and 55 PhD programs) such as oil and gas, chemistry and petrochemistry, mechanics and energy, transportation, food production, defense, IT, mechanical and automotive engineering, engineering systems administration and automation, material science and metallurgy, biotechnology, industrial ecology, architecture, civil engineering and design, etc.

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