News Release

Origins of euarthropods

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

A Perspective examines fossil evidence pertaining to the most diverse animal phylum, euarthropods, and describes the origins and evolution of euarthropods, including the evolution of the stem lineage and evidence of the appearance of euarthropods between 537 and 550 million years ago, findings with potential implications for unraveling the rapid evolution and radiation of animals during the Cambrian Period.

Article #17-19962: "Early fossil record of Euarthropoda and the Cambrian Explosion," by Allison Daley, Jonathan Antcliffe, Harriet Drage, and Stephen Pates.

MEDIA CONTACT: Allison Daley, University of Lausanne, SWITZERLAND; tel: +41-21-692-43-77, +41 78 671-5537; e-mail: <>


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