News Release

Genetic variation and early-life environments

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Researchers report a correlation between offspring genetic variation and parental characteristics associated with offspring health and educational outcome in a study that included genetic, early-life, and developmental outcome data from 6,710 individuals from the United Kingdom who were followed from birth to adolescence; for instance, paternal age was associated with offspring genetic risk for schizophrenia, and genetic variation related to offspring educational attainment was associated with factors such as maternal education and household income, findings potentially relevant to gene-based risk prediction models.

Article #17-07178: "Widespread covariation of early environmental exposures and trait-associated polygenic variation," by Eva Krapohl et al.

MEDIA CONTACT: Eva Krapohl, King's College London, UNITED KINGDOM; tel: +44-(0)20-7848-0873; e-mail: <>


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