News Release

Improving math education in early childhood

Peer-Reviewed Publication

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

Though many consider teaching math to young children to be unnecessary or inappropriate at this stage in their educational development, research shows that as early as infancy, children start to think about the world in mathematical ways -- a capacity that currently goes largely untapped in the nation's preschools. In addition, studies have linked early success in math to later success in both math and reading.

MATHEMATICS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD: LEARNING PATHS TOWARD EXCELLENCE AND EQUITY, new from the National Research Council, recommends fundamental changes in the way mathematics education is conducted in Head Start, state-funded preschool programs, and other early-childhood settings. The report will be released at 11 a.m. EDT on Thursday, July 2.


Reporters can obtain copies by contacting the Office of News and Public Information at tel. 202-334-2138 or e-mail Advance copies will be available to reporters only starting at 3 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, July 1. THE REPORT IS EMBARGOED AND NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE BEFORE 11 A.M. EDT ON JULY 2.

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