News Release

Report examines impact of forest management practices on water supplies

Peer-Reviewed Publication

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

As water demand increases in the United States, the nation's water managers are looking for ways to ensure reliable supplies of water. A new report from the National Research Council, HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OF A CHANGING FOREST LANDSCAPE, explores how better management of forest resources could increase water supplies and quality and identifies future research needs. In addition, the report examines how other modifications -- including removing the forest canopy, wildfires, insects, climate change, road networks, and applications of chemicals like fertilizers and fire retardants -- can affect the water output of a forest.


Reporters can obtain copies of the report by contacting the National Academies' Office of News and Public Information; 202-334-2138 or Advance copies will be available to reporters starting at 4 p.m. EDT on Friday, July 11. THE REPORT IS EMBARGOED AND NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE BEFORE 10 A.M. EDT ON MONDAY, JULY 14.

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