News Release

Hardly a wonder drug

Reports and Proceedings

New Scientist

WHEN Melissa Mahoney stood up in front of a panel of doctors and regulatory officials last September, her mere presence, she said, was a miracle. Seven months earlier, she seemed to be close to death from lung cancer. All treatments had failed and her condition had worsened. "The simple act of taking a shower wiped me out for hours."

But then came a little brown pill, an experimental drug called Iressa. "Within days, I mean days, I felt significantly better," Mahoney told the committee. A month later she was power-walking on the beach.

Did this drug melt Mahoney's tumours away? She believed so- and went to the meeting to plead that the US Food and Drug Administration approve it. Two weeks ago, on the advice of the committee members, the FDA did just that - and where it leads, other countries are likely to follow. Yet there is little scientific evidence that Iressa works, and growing concern about a potentially fatal side effect.

The drug was approved specifically for lung-cancer patients for whom two other therapies had failed. The decision, says the FDA, will help people like Mahoney who have no other options.

But critics such as Elizabeth Barbehenn of the watchdog group Public Citizen in Washington DC say the FDA bowed to pressure from patient groups, and that Iressa should not have been approved. There is a perception that the FDA is speeding up drug reviews, though it denies any leniency.

These speedy clearances all involve what is called a "rolling review". This is how many successful drugs, including the first AIDS treatments, came to the market. The idea is to give patients with life-threatening diseases quick access to experimental drugs. After all, if someone is close to death, why not give them one more chance?

But the cost of getting it wrong can be high. While drugs are approved for treating a specific set of patients, the approval opens the door for "off label" uses. Doctors can now prescribe Iressa to desperate patients with cancers on which the drug has not even been tested. Iressa's manufacturer, AstraZeneca, has already been reprimanded by the FDA for giving out misleading promotional materials about Iressa at a meeting for cancer specialists in 2001. The claims? "Enhanced tumor activity" and a "significant increase in survival" when Iressa is given in combination with chemotherapy. Clinical trials later showed that this is not the case. But how many doctors left that meeting determined to prescribe Iressa in this way as soon as it became available?

"The talk about Iressa is likely to lead to doctors prescribing it in the breast cancer setting, or patients demanding it, even though it has not been approved for use in breast cancer treatments or truly tested in this setting," wrote Barbara Brenner of the patient group Breast Cancer Action of San Francisco in a recent newsletter.

So the little brown pill could end up in the hands of thousands of patients for whom it was not intended. That might be all to the good if Iressa were effective. When AstraZeneca submitted Iressa for approval, it presented results from two small trials, each involving around 200 patients with non-small cell lung cancer, the most common type of lung cancer. The patients, who had all failed to benefit from chemotherapy, were given either one or two pills of Iressa as a last resort. According to AstraZeneca and the FDA, the tumours shrank in 10 per cent of these patients.

But one concern, voiced at the 24 September meeting where Mahoney pleaded for approval, is that AstraZeneca picked patients with slow-growing, less aggressive cancers. And since it would have been unethical not to give the drug to all patients who might benefit, there was no control group and so no way of knowing for sure what, if any, benefit Iressa has.

Under the rolling review scheme, a drug can be taken off the market if further studies are not done to confirm its efficacy. Yet in Iressa's case, two large phase III trials have already shown that Iressa is no more effective than a sugar pill when given as a first-time treatment in combination with chemotherapy. The FDA team leader, Grant Williams, acknowledged that Iressa was the first cancer drug submitted for rolling review "when definite data in another related setting show a lack of efficacy".

The drug's efficacy, or lack thereof, is not the only worry. In a small minority of patients, Iressa seems to trigger an aggressive and sometimes fatal form of pneumonia called interstitial lung disease, or ILD. In Japan, where Iressa was approved in July 2002, about 2 per cent of lung cancer patients taking Iressa get ILD, around one in three of them dying. Retrospective analysis of US trials suggests that only 0.3 per cent of patients there have developed ILD.

The FDA says that these "significant safety concerns associated with Iressa" did not emerge until after the September meeting. The FDA did consider the issue before approval, but had the committee known about it in September it may have swayed the panel's advice, which is usually crucial to the FDA's final decision.

Yet according to a report in March by the Kyodo News agency in Japan, AstraZeneca did know about ILD before the 24 September meeting. The report claims that an employee in the company's Japanese division wrote in an internal email dated 12 September that it was difficult to deny the connection between Iressa and ILD, and suggested the company should rewrite the leaflet distributed with the drug. "I don't have any further information on the specifics regarding Japan," was the response of AstraZeneca spokeswoman Mary Lynn Carver when asked to confirm the existence of the email.

The company denies that there is a definitive link between Iressa and ILD. But FDA officials told New Scientist that since September there have been a couple of cases where "re-challenge" effects have been seen: ILD developed when patients were on the drug, cleared up when Iressa was stopped and resumed when drug treatment restarted. These are, says Williams, "definite cases" of Iressa-triggered ILD.

Nevertheless, Mahoney may be proof that, for a lucky few, Iressa really can shrink tumours. The drug targets a surface protein called EGFR, so patients whose tumours make a lot of EGFR should benefit the most.

AstraZeneca is trying to devise ways to identify these "good responders". In fact, the whole pharmaceutical industry is moving in this direction. What companies want to do is use such tests to design the perfect clinical trial. Pick the right patients and you might be able boost a drug's performance from an unimpressive 10 per cent to a miraculous 90 per cent.

This will be a step forward so long as approved drugs continue to be given only to patients screened in this way. The concern is that companies will not provide doctors with the tests necessary to identify good responders, as this would limit the number of patients to whom their expensive drugs could be prescribed. "Companies talk a lot about this but, really, what are the incentives?" asks Kenneth Kaitin of the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development in Boston.


Author: Sylvia Pagan Westphal, Boston

New Scientist issue: 24 MAY 2003


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