News Release

A Fifth Of Asian Children Deficient In 'Sunshine'
Vitamin D

Peer-Reviewed Publication


(Vitamin D concentrations in Asian children aged 2 years living in England: population survey)

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A fifth of British Asian children show signs of iron deficiency anaemia and vitamin D deficiency, according to research by Margaret Lawson and Margaret Thomas from the Institute of Child Health, London.

In their study in this week's BMJ, over 600 children had their blood tested for iron analysis and vitamin D concentration. The authors found that iron deficiency was a significant risk factor for low vitamin D concentration. They recommend that children with low haemoglobin concentrations should be given vitamin D supplements and screened for rickets (abnormal bone function caused by vitamin D deficiency).


Dr Margaret Lawson, Senior Lecturer in Paediatric Nutrition, Childhood Nutrition Research Centre, Institute of Child Health, London

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