Dr. Ryan Insolera, Wayne State UniversityWayne State University - Office of the Vice President for Research
Fears about AI show substantial variation across nations...Max Planck Institute for Human Development
Produced plastic-derived-oils can be upcycled to create new products -Landscape...The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Plastic waste is converted BACK to its original oil form -Portrait...The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Plastic waste is converted BACK to its original oil form - Landscape...The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Produced plastic-derived-oils can be upcycled to create new products- Portrait...The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Graduate researcher Anthony Song is shown operating the optical setup....SPIE--International Society for Optics and Photonics
Detailed optical property maps of biological tissues result from a newly developed laparoscopic imaging device that inte...SPIE--International Society for Optics and Photonics
Photograph of the developed holographiccamera whose optical configuration...Advanced Devices & Instrumentation