False-color image of Jupiter in UV, showing dark UV oval at south pole...University of California - Berkeley
Postdoctoral researcher Dr. Aleix Noguera-Castells and study director Dr. Manel Esteller, in front of the Josep Carreras...Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute
Schematic diagram of the spin-dependent catalytic OER of chiral and achiral COFs...Science China Press
The Hadley cell and ITCZ responses to global and four individual ocean-basin forcings under different warming thresholds...Science China Press
Idealized experiments to isolate the impacts of warming in individual ocean basins....Science China Press
The impacts of CO2 radiative forcing versus ocean warming on the Hadley circulation and the ITCZ....Science China Press
USTC Develops High-Entropy-Alloy Catalyst to Boost Propane Dehydrogenation Efficiency...University of Science and Technology of China