Cryo-electron microscopy reveals how the VH Ab6 antibody fragment (red) attaches to the vulnerable site on the SARS-CoV-...University of British Columbia
Water splitting using surface modified dye-sensitized niobate nanosheets...Tokyo Institute of Technology
NTU Assoc Prof Aravind Dasari, NTU PhD graduate Dr Sheik Anees and PhD student Dean Seah...Nanyang Technological University
PhD student Dean Seah, NTU Assoc Prof Aravind Dasari, and NTU PhD graduate Dr Sheik Anees...Nanyang Technological University
NTU Assoc Prof Aravind (left) with PhD student Dean Seah, doing fire tests on timber in the lab....Nanyang Technological University
Uncoated timber burns and cracks when exposed to fire while coated timber is protected by expanding layer of char...Nanyang Technological University