The preliminary X-ray “time-lapse photograph” (right) in 0.5–4 keV band as the result from a 700-second one-shot observa...Chinese Academy of Sciences Headquarters
EP-WXT Pathfinder targets a region of the Galactic center at the core of the Milky Way...Chinese Academy of Sciences Headquarters
X-ray image of the Cygnus Loop nebula (2.5-degree diameter) obtained with several observations totaling 2,400 seconds...Chinese Academy of Sciences Headquarters
Inauguration Ceremony of CAAI Artificial Intelligence Research successfully held on CICAI 2022...Tsinghua University Press
Inauguration Ceremony of CAAI Artificial Intelligence Research successfully held on CICAI 2022...Tsinghua University Press
Inauguration Ceremony of CAAI Artificial Intelligence Research successfully held on CICAI 2022...Tsinghua University Press
Inauguration Ceremony of CAAI Artificial Intelligence Research successfully held on CICAI 2022...Tsinghua University Press
Schematic representation of a complex non-Hermitian open system with many degrees of freedom made of coupled optical mic...Michigan Technological University