General strategies to enhance the interfacial binding strength in stretchable electronics...Science China Press
Enhancing the stability of planar perovskite solar cells by green and inexpensive cellulose acetate butyrate...Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy Sciences
Modulation principle of the CPDs in perovskite-based photodetectors....Light Publishing Center, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics And Physics, CAS
Image of our established endangered avian-derived iPSCs....National Institute for Environmental Studies
Conducting wind speed measurements with small drones....Research Organization of Information and Systems
Common, usually harmless group of bacteria associated with higher death rates in kidney patients...Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University
Gripper demonstrations of the party preparation and the flower arrangement...National Research Council of Science & Technology
Comparison of how elephants and the gripper grip various objects...National Research Council of Science & Technology