Shellac-based coating makes pulp materials suitable for food without use of petroleum based polymers or metals...Society of Chemical Industry
Shellac-based coating makes pulp materials suitable for food without use of petroleum based polymers or metals...Society of Chemical Industry
Life-cycle GHG emissions for 40-tonne tractor trailer in 2021 and 2030 scenarios...International Council on Clean Transportation
Robust structured illumination microscopy for live cell real-time super-resolution imaging....Light Publishing Center, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics And Physics, CAS
A laser pulse (27 fs, 2.7 J, 800 nm) ionizes a gas jet and accelerates the freed electrons by the ponderomotive force an...Light Publishing Center, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics And Physics, CAS
Blue light irradiation and two ‘catalyst gears’ cooperating to enable a reaction...Hokkaido University
Tsuyoshi Mita, Hiroki Hayashi, Saeesh Mangaonkar, Wataru Kanna, and Satoshi Maeda...Hokkaido University