Coupling Copper [Cu(II)] with lysozyme can enhance the removal of reactive oxygen species (ROS)....Tokyo University of Science
All knitted smart knee brace for continuous monitoring of human joint motion....Singapore University of Technology and Design
Comparing the polarimetric properties of fresh and preserved brain tissue...SPIE--International Society for Optics and Photonics
Electron microscope image of a nerve fiber with myelin...Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience - KNAW
Photograph of the adult wing precursor imaginal cells of Drosophila melanogaster...Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona)
A single cycle of intense Terahertz laser light (red) rapidly twists the atomic lattice of a hybrid organic-inorganic so...Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society
Anders Grauers, Associate Professor, Automatic Control Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering , Chalmers Univ...Chalmers University of Technology
Johannes Karlsson, Doctoral student in Automatic Control Engineering, Department of Electrotechnology, Chalmers Universi...Chalmers University of Technology