Ramanome-based SCIVVS for the quality assessment of probiotic products...Chinese Academy of Sciences Headquarters
In thin tissue sections, a potential blood vessel with collections of red blood cells became visible through a staining ...Eurac Research
Finally, atomic force microscopy revealed the typical ring-shaped structures that characterize one of the developmental ...Eurac Research
Tissue from one of the Medici embalming vessels was subjected to microscopic and molecular analysis....Eurac Research
Molecular structure of the dye betaine 30 (dark contours) in the solvent dimethyl-sulfoxide (DMSO)...Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy (MBI)
Time dependence of the THz electric field with a maximum amplitude of 3.6 MV/cm at the location of the dye molecules....Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy (MBI)
Figure 2. Measured beam pattern under various board bent-angle states...Tokyo Institute of Technology