Bone structure and composition and biomimetic scaffold developmentg...Technical University of Denmark
schematic illustration of longitudinal variation in quark gluon plasma...DOE/Brookhaven National Laboratory
CuI nanodots with favorable (220) facets and a stable Cu+ state for enhanced CO2-to-C2H4 conversion....Science China Press
Fig. 1: An example of a typical backdoor attack (adapted from Wang et al. (2019)...Singapore University of Technology and Design
DNA methylation changes between Tibetan and non-Tibetan groups were enriched around genes in hypoxia-inducible pathway....Science China Press
The genetic and epigenetic structure of the four ethnic populations, and the correlation of the two structures....Science China Press
eEVs transport FSTL1 to activate TLR4/JAK3/STAT3/IRF-1 signaling pathway to induce ALI/ARDS...Science China Press
Figure 2. Convergent dCNEs associated with limb regulatory elements and limb bud formation...Science China Press