Anders Grauers, Associate Professor, Automatic Control Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering , Chalmers Univ...Chalmers University of Technology
Johannes Karlsson, Doctoral student in Automatic Control Engineering, Department of Electrotechnology, Chalmers Universi...Chalmers University of Technology
Morphology and in situ spectroscopy characterizations of the SFIrM cathode at 800 °C....Science China Press
Motorically skilled children succeed at the beginning of the school path...University of Jyväskylä - Jyväskylän yliopisto
Even in case of increasing electrification, renewable liquid fuels will be needed for heavy-duty, air, and ship traffic....Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Overview of exhaust heat utilization in 100 kW hydrogen fuel cell system that supplies a mixture of renewable energy hyd...Tokyo Institute of Technology
Measurement of the Cosmic Ray-Helium Spectrum with CALorimetric Electron Telescope...Waseda University