CPL signal generated by macroscopic anisotropy introduced by the thin film stretching method (PVA film)....Science China Press
Scrutinizing annual financial reports for unintended consequences of mismatched fiscal and financial years...Cactus Communications
Bone-conduction headphones could improve the intelligibility of words to users...Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Researchers in Japan suggest methods to improve word intelligibility of bone-conducted speech...Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Thermal infrared reflectance characteristics of natural leaves in 8–14 μm region: Mechanistic modeling and relationships...University of Science and Technology of China
Schematic diagram of developing 3D mesoporous biosensing-membrane with neighborhood nanostructures as inspied by the str...Chinese Academy of Sciences Headquarters
Researchers Achieve Coherent Control of Two-dimensional Material Solid-state Spin Defects...University of Science and Technology of China
Single nitrogen vacancy created in hexagonal boron nitride by electron irradiation....University of Vienna