Impact of high temperature and humidity on durability of flexible perovskite solar modules...Ritsumeikan University
Karen Mulleners with her lab's flexible membrane wing © Alain Herzog...Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Fig. 1: A group of whitetip reef sharks (Triaenodon obesus) resting under a table coral off the coast of Indonesia, one ...University of Vienna
Fig. 2: A collection of fossilised shark and ray teeth. Hand of an adult for size comparison....University of Vienna
Fig. 3: Diversity curve of neoselachians (modern sharks and rays and the extinct synechodontiform sharks) from the Trias...University of Vienna
Mikael Simons, MD – Recipient of the 2024 Barancik Prize for Innovation in MS Research...National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Discovery of how to create identical oil lenses to study emulsions on fluid surfaces...Universidad Carlos III de Madrid