STING clustering at the TGNInstitute for Glyco-core Research (iGCORE), Tokai National Higher Education and Research System
Figure 2 Physical damage resistance test of the designed 5 × 5 stretchable pressure sensor array....Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Figure 3 Associate Professor YANG Zhengbao, from the Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering at HKUST (right), ...Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Figure 1 Comparison of sensor array schemes, fabricated 10 × 10 nonstretchable pressure sensor array and multimodal pres...Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Result visualization of principal component analysis on the antioxidative system under acid treatments....Higher Education Press
A trail of Lodgers in Fly Ranch. Inundated with plants, animals, and lodgers, the trail establishes a democratic relatio...Higher Education Press