Paclitaxel-induced Immune Dysfunction and Activation of Transcription Factor AP-1 Facilitate Hepatitis B Virus Replicati...Xia & He Publishing Inc.
U of I Siebel School of Computing and Data ScienceUniversity of Illinois Grainger College of Engineering
Teppei J. Yasunari, Daiju Narita, Toshihiko Takemura, Shigeto Wakabayashi, Akira Takeshima...Hokkaido University
Gold-Decorated BiFeO3 Nanocrystals for Efficient and Sustainable Purification...Tokyo Institute of Technology
A schematic diagram showing the mechanisms underlying MALAT1-related chemotherapeutic resistance associated with blood c...Cactus Communications
Illustration of a holographic display with the new optical device...Princeton University, Engineering School